We provide detailed instructions on post-hair transplant care and a helpline so that you receive all the guidance you need during this time. It's important to stay out of direct sunlight for the first two weeks after surgery. For the first six months after the transplant, we recommend wearing hats when exposed to the sun. After the procedure; one of the most critical phases of the hair transplant process is aftercare.
Once you and your doctor complete a successful and smooth operation, there are some essential things to avoid and pay attention to. The concept of people outside medicine removing human tissue and performing mainly high-pressure surgeries is not appropriate and is not acceptable. It is not consistent with the standard of care in the medical community. Swimming, whether in the sea or in a pool, should be avoided for at least one month after the hair transplant. Once the pink skin and scabs have completely healed, the follicles will become inactive again and all the new hair will fall out, making you look like you did before the hair transplant began.
A detailed physical examination and trichoscopic analysis of the donor's hair must be performed to determine the quality of the donor's hair (curly or straight), density (it must be checked at several points, including the occipital and temporal), caliber of the hair, ethnicity, etc. The field of hair transplantation (HT) has grown exponentially in the last decade, especially after the introduction of follicular unit removal (FUE). To validate the efficacy and safety of PRP in the treatment of hair loss, more randomized trials are needed, with standard protocols that include a more objective evaluation of hair loss, number and interval of treatment sessions, number of platelets, activation method and results of long-term follow-up. Let your head breathe under any circumstances, but don't expose it to the sun's rays, which are deadly to the baby's follicles and harmful to hair transplant healing. Therefore, you should stop smoking at least 12 hours before the procedure and you should avoid smoking for two (weeks) more after hair transplant surgery.
Only natural hair cleansers or creams (based on calendula, sesame or coconut oil) prescribed by the clinic can be applied. The day after the FUE hair transplant operation, after a good morning of rest, your last appointment at the hair clinic allows the surgeon to check the bulbs and the caregiver to apply an antiseptic. By lifting your head during the night, pillows reduce any swelling that may occur after a hair transplant. Some patients may experience existing hair thinning in the area, known as shock loss, between two and four months, which is a normal and expected stage of healing and recovery of lost hair. A successful hair transplant is also determined by strict hair maintenance after the operation. In two to four weeks, growth of transplanted hair is observed and may be followed by temporary hair loss known as shock hair loss.